
no er for me

our dodgy tv aerial is dying. there is no point watching channel seven at all, with the thunderstorm noise in the background; channel nine is moody, sometimes watchable, tonight not at all - which means i can't watch er (!!!); sbs is barely visible and abc has always been dead. the only watchable channel is ten. seriously. i guess at least i can watch bb. now i don't watch much tv at all - but er is essential viewing for a medical student! how can i expect to know anything if i can't learn? does this mean if a patient dies on me when i'm in emerg, i'm allowed to blame channel nine for their terrible broadcasting signals? and i've been to brumbles' house that many times on a thursday, that she must be getting suspicious by now. besides, steph is studying for exams. *sigh* that's it, i'm moving away from this stupid house.

hijacked poor pete for an hour last night, forcing him to be my psychotherapist, making him listen to my personal problems (thanks to the not quite buried issue from april 30 rearing its head, or "MG" as lou dubbed it). unloading my insecurities on a responsive mate did make me feel better though. but then again that could've been the kahlua. *smirk* thanks for listening pete you're a lifesaver - even if you didn't have much choice haha =)

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