
may the force be with us all

dunno got a new job yesterday. his new job offers a more up-to-date way of working, a hefty raise in his salary, and a chance to start afresh. the downside is he will be stuck doing residential properties out in weribee for at least six months. his dad was keen on the new salary; his twin was not so keen on his compromising (valuing residential properties when all he really wants to do is commercial). this is one of the differences between the old and the young, i suppose.

the most surprising response was from thommo though. he seemed a bit upset that dunno will be earning almost twice as much as him. upset at himself, i think. he'd recently bought his tickets for his trip to brazil at the end of the year and is having to budget quite severely. i told him to look at things from another perspective - to measure happiness from what you're doing with your money, not how much money you're earning. if he did this he'd see that a) he's going to brazil, b) he's not short of anything he really needs, c) he's got a girlfriend and things are going well, d) he's working in a job that he likes, e) he's working reasonable hours unlike dunno, who has to put in 12-hour days all the time.

i don't think he was entirely convinced. i talked to mum about it, and she said it's hard not to feel that you've made a wrong choice and to judge your happiness by your earnings. i was adament that money would never be the yardstick for my happiness. in her infinite wisdom, mum laughed and said i was a silly boy. *sigh*

just remembered something funny. katherine buzzard said to me on thursday: "chi, you look like yoda". err, right then. may the force be with you too.


lookingfortrouble said...

I say the same thing, and my parents say the same thing back. Is it about being idealistic, or naive? Look back on this, like, a year from now and see what you think then..

Were you green and wrinkly on Thursday? I didn't notice..

Anonymous said...

u r more like a fgtchops

lolz!! ! ! ! ! ! 1 11 1one 1one