
life as a cigarette

have you ever smoked a cigarette? life can be compared to smoking a fresh marbolro light. life starts when the cigarette is lit. as you puff away, look closely at the ashes accumulating at the other end. every time you take a drag, the tobacco lights up in a sudden glow of orange. and you get the nicotine hit, and you feel good. if you don't take a drag, in still burns, slowly, until all the tobacco is gone and it is finished. the ashes buildup and you have to flick it off every now and then, or else a gush of wind will dislodge it and you will get ash all over your clothes. so it is with life. every time you put your life force into a task, there is a moment of brilliance and time passes quickly. if you don't do anything, life still burns away, but slowly, just like time passed in boredom. the ashes are the past, building up in your heart. you have to flick it away every now and then, or else it catches up with you when you're least ready for it, and you get covered in it and make a big mess of things. finally, when you reach the end of a cigarette, you have to put it out and throw it away. there's no use puffing away at the butt, you won't get any enjoyment out of it. in fact, you might get sick from smoking the butt. but don't worry, you can just light a new cigarette.

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