
bitch and moan

when im with others i feel irritated. yet when im finally alone im bored. listless, i turn to comfort food. then i feel bad for eating junk. it never ends. o my empty, meaningless existence.

there is only work. how sad.


ReaLspace said...

You are now an automaton owned by the hospital, just like the rest of us. Whee..

Anonymous said...

It's Ok... We all miss Michael Jackson too...

Comfort eating isn't so bad. It's smart. If Genghis Kahn is about to burn down your hut, you better eat those pickled onions you've been saving... The way out is to walk outside and say 'Genghis, in a hundred years, your empire and everything in it will be lost. People will speak into magic boxes linked via invisibile waves. There will be three different kinds of petrol and you can bet on horses. And you will be dead. There will be a few documentaries, where short men with bad facial hair will play fight in motion blur, but that is all anyone will know of you. Kill me then, that I may forever continue this haranguing when I soon meet you in hell.'

Anonymous said...

Chiiii, do you miss me? You know you can always call or drop by :) :)
