
run away while you still can

wednesday: worked on yearbook unti 11:30pm.
thursday: worked on yearbook until 2am.
friday: worked on yearbook until 4am.
saturday: work on yearbook through the night (no sleep).
sunday: after 5.5 hours printing proofs, pass out at 6pm.
monday: ward rounds at 7am. full day at uni. will be working on yearbook tonight. again.
the feeling when we get the yearbooks off to the printers and can finally STUDY: priceless.

yes, when studying seems like a reward, you know you're losing the plot. but that's the way it goes... exams are less than two weeks around the corner. and looking at the chaos that enveloped the ward this morning when the new interns started on the job (one even had a cheat sheet about bowel anatomy), i know january 16 next year will be a day of sheer panic. one patient in outpatients this afternoon asked me "are you sure you still want to do this job?" after she finished crying about her bowel problems. i said, "maybe i'll become a writer". yeah, right, maybe i still have time to quit med and run away from next year.

and the feeling i'll get when i finally get a copy of the yearbook in my hands? it's called an anti-climax.


Anonymous said...


lookingfortrouble said...

These are the times you'll look back on and laugh about. And you'll have a nice yearbook that will be the concrete proof/reminder/memento of what you've done.

And stop stealing my dreams. I'm going to run away and do something else!

Lou said...

Sounds like someone needs more cake.
Thank you for doing the yearbook Chi!