

it's sunday morning, the best time of the week. A lazy breakfast, hot plunger coffee and warm sun, throwing open the curtains and the windows to let the light and fresh air breath new life into my room, clearing up the mess and my mind, floating to the surface, feeling not-so-tired for the first time in many days, and for a fleeting moment, contentment.

last night we had dinner at min's new apartment, which showcased her personality: a synthesis of good taste, neurotic determination, and artistic flair. a hotchpotch of cultural influences and subtle reflections of the people in her life: her parents, her sister, ying. but mostly reflections of her: she has a very strong sense of self. a very private person, she treasures her own company, so it was a real privilege to be let into her world for the evening.

thoughts about life today: it's a matter of letting go and trying to get somewhere at the same time. chaos and randomness is good only in small doses. i need meaning in my life. even if it's based on delusions.

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