
off to the rat

"doing" has had the upper hand over "thinking" this week. my little aunt would be so proud of me =) yearbook things, birthday do's, mso concert, and going away to ballarat this afternoon. as dunno said to me the other day: "you're hardly here any more".

but some thinking has taken place, inevitably. on friday night, while shopping for the ingredients for lou's cake, and afterwards, between cigarettes, catherine and i talked about the theory that in all human interactions, there is always the jousting for dominance. in amiable interactions, one party that takes the dominant role, and the other the passive (or "submissive", as brumbles called it) role. in less amiable interactions, both parties vie for dominance. extending this hypothesis: compatible relationships consists of predominantly amiable interactions, in which the two parties are happy with the distribution of dominance in their interactions. in less compatible relationships, this is not the case.

dammit, i sound like galaxy. *sigh*

on saturday evening, i was under the influence (of lychee vodka's). intoxication makes me hypomanic, and joe made the mistake of talking to me. amongst our many topics of discussion was the nature of contentment. as i was leaving, joe stated "contentment is in the eye of the beholder" (possibly a ruse to trouble my mind for the next five weeks). suffice to say i was very excited about dissecting this statement, in my flight-of-ideas, thought-disordered, alcohol-induced psychosis. if he had said "the source of contentment is in the eye of the beholder", they i would've agreed wholeheartedly. however, my hang-up is on whether or not contentment is actually achievable, given the immaturity of the human ego. hmm... to be continued, most definitely.


Gal said...

The amount of compromise each person gives in each particular principles may also affect compatibility. In some areas, one person may be more dominant in their ideas that the other - the other may not feel strongly either way, and so will oblige. For some principles, however, beliefs may be held so strongly that neither side will compromise. We therefore hypothesised that you may get increasing compatibility with a decreasing number of non-compromisable core principles that the 2 people in question hold.

lookingfortrouble said...

Contentment is in the eye of the beholder. You're content when you decide to accept the status quo. It has nothing to do with reality, only your perception of the situation.

chilli said...

haha, you could be right... i probably am!