
pick and choose

today i travelled to the land of private health care, in the form of melbourne clinic and glencairn cousulting suites. things were very different there - patients had more choices (probably because they're voluntary), their fellow patients were generally less ill (scary), and perhaps the food was better. then again, the food probably was just as awful. the doctors also had more choices: who to see, but more importantly who not to see. i was a bit indignant at this, at first, but then i realised it has a lot to do with the nature of psychiatry and the critical nature of the therapeutic relationship in providing care. because if the doctor feels ill-at-ease, what chance does he/she have in helping the patient to the best of his/her ability? and this would certainly cause more problems in the long run, then being referred to another psychiatrist.

decided to revive my log of patients i've seen - faces in the rain, after a break of a few months. there are just so many people i meet, whose stories i want to remember for ever. i guess words can never do justice to meeting them in person, but they are the best i can do at this point. i also asked gal to contribute. if any of you kids out there want to chip in as well, just gimme a buzz =)

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