
look at me, im a viral mess

nothing like two sleepless nights up spent hugging a bathroom basin being sick to give you a different perspective on reality.

i thought i hated my life. my stupid consultant. the drudgery of paperwork. the absence of a love life (or any life outside work, come to think of it). it slipped out innocently one evening while i was sitting on the couch. how wrong i was.

i never realised how happy a person can be just to sleep through one night without being woken up by waves of nausea, abdominal pain, headache or fever.

oh. im on call this weekend. fuck.


Anonymous said...

It's the simple things.. You don't appreciate good health..until you lose it. Thankfully it's generally temporary, and you get to have your old life back (with work commitments and all) soon enough..
Hope you're better by now.

Lou said...

You know I've read this entry a few times everytime I check your blog for a new posting... and I somehow read between the lines that you were drunk.
Oh me of little faith!
I'm sure you're feeling better now. =)

chilli said...

lou!! i really am sick! still! and im on call again this weekend! pooh! this post-viral cough is really starting to annoy me. i have lymph nodes the size of golf balls. somebody please shoot me.