
intern gastritis

annual leave means i get to sleep ten hours a day.

the first problem with this is: the more i sleep, the more tired i am. now i'm sneaking in an hour nap in the afternoon. and yet i remain lethargic. i see now what lou was going through last week. fortunately the kitchen at yuille house sucks and i do not itch to go to coles everyday. however, i did buy the hitchhiker's omnibus yesterday and have nearly finished the first of the trilogy of four. i am also spending excessive amounts of my time playing indoor lawn bowls. not good.

the second problem, of course, is this intern gastritis business. strictly speaking, it started before internship. epigastric tenderness. reflux. and now nausea and loss of appetite. this ppi thing isn't helping that much. i think i may need a scope. *sigh*

looking for a house to live in atm. i'm going to visit a couple more likely candidates this afternoon. and then i'll get to spend more money buying new beds and desks and useless decorative things. hopefully they come with free drinks. boing!

1 comment:

lookingfortrouble said...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is utterly brilliant. Bravo for not leaving it off your reading list.

And I think you're developing some beginner doctor hypochondriasis there.. Who was it who said we thought we were invincible?