
annoying little things

got my mantoux test read today and its 20mm. huge. ddx tb exposure from patients or good response to BCG vaccine. the problem is mum's not sure if i've had the vaccine before last time i asked her. and i thought my previous mantoux tests were normal. so i call her tonight and now she thinks i've had the vaccine. so my previous mantoux tests might have been false positives. or something. the problem is now i've got to go and get an xray and get the reg to check me out at the tb clinic at the rmh. and i cant be bothered doing this, because of exams and all that. it's just fucking typical isn't it? when you're under stress things always go wrong. and little things which normally just annoy you now fill your horizon, stuffing up your studying mentality, replacing it with irritability and worry. not that i had much of a studying mentality thing happening in the first place. at least i don't have to take isoniazid for six months, i guess. fuck going overseas. maybe i should've just hung around melbourne, went to the mac, and work with the oncology patients there or something. bloody hell.

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