the roads dart between and over hills and mountains, under enormous trees, joining convict era towns and laid-back fishing villages. lots of small roadkill and signs warning drivers of wombats, roos and of course the tassie devil. dairy cows and sheep on pastures wet and green or brown and littered with hay bales. large extended families playing beach cricket. streets deserted after six pm and everyone lining up for their pizza at the local restaurant. walking around port arthur. eager backpackers at cradle mountain and wineglass bay. having tea at luke and michelle's new house. running into summer in st helens (blonde surfie chick from the gold coast that was supposedly taking care of the oldies group on our trans-siberian train trip).
it's been a random few days, and in a way it's been representative of the last twelve months. my year of wandering is nearly over and i'm ambivalent about the future. i can't wait to get back into medicine yet i don't want to go back to work. i hate travelling but there are still so many places i'd love to go to right now. i am dying for routine, for a home, to settle down and at the same time i am not sure about living in a bit city again, sharing house, and planning for the future while getting back into the rat race and basically not doing things spontaneously and living for the moment. it's always give and take: i know, i know...

cradle mountain: mist and snow

intense colours of the tasmanian countryside

lighthouse at low head, tamar valley

orange rocks at skeleton point, near bingalong bay

ducks at red bridge, campbell town

ships in drydock, dunalley

penitentiary ruins, port arthur

isle of the dead