
path of least resistance

when you are bored, everything becomes a chore. even sleeping. you just can't be bothered. you travel along the path of least resistance (eg slouching on the couch), waiting for someone or something to come and stimulate you. the more bored i become, the more i suspect fun and excitement are rarely spontaneous. you have to strive for them. but that's so... wrong. randomness is the key to opening my mind! the only thing i can think of to get me out of this dilemma is - it must be an attitude. like happiness and positivity is a cultured attitude for pony, while it is something kimmy strives for from day to day. it feels like ones genuine and one is wearing a mask. this is the risk you take if you challenge boredom, i suppose.


hello - goodbye

"he was a telephone man who fell in love with long distances; he gave up his job with the telephone company and skipped the light fantastic out of town.. the last we heard of him was a picture postcard from mazatlan, on the pacific coast of mexico, containing a message of two words - 'hello - good-bye!' and no address." the glass menagerie


an invitation

i've alway thought of a letter as an invitation to the other person. to come into my mind and check it out and say what they think of it. min's website gave me an idea - why limit myself to one person? so this is an open invitation. come one, come all. take your best shot. it would be better than dying alone.